Friday, November 18, 2011

Blog Number Two, Simple Machines at School.

Simple Machines at Crestview.
Simple machines Make life easier. Simple machines are made to help getting your job faster. All simple machines are designed to go different things. Simple machines help people all around the world.

· 1- This is me with a clock. Clocks have gears in them. The gears help the hands on the clock move. Without gears many things couldn’t be invented.
· 2-This is me with a wheel and axle. The white bored has wheels and axles to make it move on the wall. Without the wheel and axle the white bored couldn’t move.

· This is me with a inclined plane. The stairs are tilted to make us go to a different floor. Without incline planes we couldn’t move floors.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All about me:D

These are some simple things about me. I love to draw. Im still in school. When i grow up i wanna be a photogropher, or a artist. Im not the best at drawing tho.. Some people say i have a "photogrophers eye", 'cause i spot things out alot and i wanna take pictures alot. My favorite color is lime green and baby blue. I love to go mudding. i love yoga pants. i have two sisters, four brothers, My sister has two baby girls, My oldest brother has one baby girl. My favorite class in school is science and ceramics. I like ceramics because it deals with making things or creating pictures. I like school because i like seeing my friends. My life rotates around friends. Im not such a family person. I don't do any sports. I have athesma. So that makes it really difficult for me to do sports. I like to sleep, alot. I sleep from around 9p.m till afternoon (3-5p.m). Im'ma sleep aholic. I dont shop alot. It makes me tired. Witch that should make me wanna shop.. because i like to sleep.. I like playing vidio games. My favorite is black opps. I have three main best friends. Siera, Amanda, and Alyssa. Me and Amanda hang out all day every day. during school, Outta school. Alil bit of every were.:).. now dont you feel like you met me 7 years ago?:) i love pickles, chocolate.. lets face it... i love food:)